Society :

Expansion of Human Capital (Health Management)


As a company that contributes to people's health, it is important for us to provide our employees with an environment where they can work with peace of mind, which is why we also actively engage in health management. In order to contribute to society through the creation of innovative pharmaceutical products, it is vital that all employees and their families stay healthy (both physically and mentally), that employees’ workplaces enable them to demonstrate their abilities to their fullest extent, and that the lives of employees and their families are fulfilling. As a highly unique indicator, we have established the difference between the health age of our employees and their actual age. In FY2022, the difference was -1.8 years, but we have set a goal of making it -3.0 years by FY2026. In addition, in an aim to improve the health literacy of our employees, we are working to promote health and productivity management through various activities.
In recognition of such activities, Ono Pharmaceutical has been recognized for six consecutive years as a “Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (White 500),” and we have also been selected as a "2024 Health & Productivity Stock." We will continue our efforts to expand human capital by promoting health and productivity management.


Efforts made to promote employees’ health

Health Up Declaration 2018

Based on our corporate philosophy, Dedicated to the Fight against Disease and Pain, we desire to contribute to society through the creation of innovative drugs. In order to continue to make bold efforts toward the realization of our corporate philosophy, it is important to ensure that all employees are both mentally and physically healthy, that their workplaces allow them to fully demonstrate their abilities, and that the daily lives of employees and their families are fulfilling. We declare that employees, companies, labor unions, occupational health staff, and health insurance society will actively engage as a single team in maintaining and improving the health of employees and their families.

April 2018
Gyo Sagara
Representative Director, Chairman of the Board & CEO

Basic policy
  1. We will promote the maintenance and improvement of the health of employees and their families through the Health Up Committee, consisting of representatives from the company, labor unions, occupational health staff, and health insurance society.
  2. Employees will actively engage in health management for themselves and their families.
Major efforts being made:
  1. To realize completely non-smoking premises according to passive smoking countermeasures.
  2. To proactively support measures from disease prevention and early detection and treatment to reinstatement.
  3. To promote supports for the prevention of mental disorders, early detection, and prompt responses, to reinstatement and the prevention of recurrence.
  4. To develop an environment where employees proactively work on health maintenance/improvement.

Organizational structure to promote health management

Support for Disease Prevention, Early Detection and Early Treatment

  • All our employees are required to undergo health checkups once a year, and of these, employees aged 35 years or older can undergo a comprehensive medical examination in lieu of statutory health checkups. Excluding unavoidable reasons such as absence from work, the proportion of subjects undergoing comprehensive medical examination in FY2023 was 99.7%.
  • We hold contracts with medical facilities nationwide for thorough medical checkups. The number of contract facilities as of June 2024 was 219. We work to make it easier for our employees and their family members to receive thorough medical checkups.
  • We assist with expenses for cancer screenings. Many employees receive optional cancer-related screenings at the time of a thorough medical checkup.
  • It is recommended that women be screened for cervical cancer (a disease which is common among young women) once every two years, and we also allow our female employees under the age of 35 to be screened for cervical cancer at the same time as their regular health checkups.
  Cancer screening rate in FY2023*1 Target
Stomach cancer screening 96.6% 100%
Lung cancer screening 99.5% 100%
Colorectal cancer screening 93.5% 100%
Breast cancer screening 89.6% 100%
Cervical cancer screening*2 48.6% 70%
  • The age range for calculating the consultation rate is set at 40 years or older (20 years or older for cervical cancer screening) in accordance with the standards of the National Livelihood Survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
  • Regular screenings for uterine cancer are recommended every two years.
  • We strongly encourage employees who have been identified as having a high risk of lifestyle-related diseases or have shown abnormal findings in various screenings but have not undergone re-examination or detailed examinations, to receive medical examination recommendations and health guidance from our occupational health staff. We also recommend their participation in specific health guidance programs. In addition, since FY2023 we have also been offering lifestyle (health guidance) programs for those seconded overseas who are undergoing major changes in their living environment, including dietary habits.
  Implementation rate of specified health guidance Treatment continuation rate*
FY2023 89.7% 22.1%
  • The treatment continuation rate refers to the percentage of individuals aged 40 and above who have undergone health checkups and are currently taking medication for conditions such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes.

The rate of employees on leave due to illness or injury in FY2023 was 1.5%. We will continue to promote health promotion initiatives in order to enhance employees' health literacy and well-being.

Mental Health Measures

  • To promote prevention, early detection, and early treatment of mental health problems, we conduct in-house training on mental health and individual consultations by industrial health staff. We also work in cooperation with industrial physicians to promote employees’ mental well-being.
  • Stress checks for all employees are conducted once a year. The percentage of employees who underwent stress checks was 98.3% in both FY2022 and FY2023, compared to our target of 100%. We continuously promote workplace improvement based on the results of organizational analyses, namely, post-stress-check workplace improvement training utilizing Pulse Surveys, as well as site visits conducted by dedicated counselors. The percentage of high-stress employees in FY2023 was 5.4%.
  • In addition to the stress check, which is performed once a year, we encourage employees to answer a simple self-check questionnaire, which can be taken whenever necessary.
  • We developed a system by establishing a free external fitness consultation window for employee mental and physical fitness so that employees and their families can consult experts by phone or email in addition to face-to-face consultation.

Measures against Passive Smoking and Promotion of Health

  • Since April 2019, we have completely banned smoking on its premises. We also conduct in-house questionnaire surveys on tobacco and publicize the results to raise awareness and motivate employees to quit smoking. We are promoting awareness-raising activities systematically, including producing and displaying original posters that use illustrations written by employees.
  • Also, to support employees who try to quit smoking, we provide subsidies for outpatient smoking cessation treatment and an online smoking cessation program. We are taking various anti-smoking measures to promote and maintain our employees’ health. The percentage of our employees who were smokers in FY2023 was 13.6%, down from 14.2% in FY2022. Moving forward, we will promote activities with the aim of achieving 10% or less by FY2026.
  • We hold a walking campaign every year. In addition to all employees, employees' families, temporary employees, and subcontract workers are subject to this program. This walking campaign has been conducted since FY2023 not only in Japan but also throughout the Ono Pharmaceutical Group, including at our overseas subsidiaries, with a participation rate of 55%. This program allows employees to participate voluntarily not only by themselves, but also with their families and volunteers in teams. In addition, in Japan we hand out local specialties from the earthquake-affected areas to individuals who have achieved a certain goal as achievement awards. In FY2023, we distributed a total of approximately 5.1 tons of rice (equivalent to 5 million yen). The activity has become more prevalent year by year, which leads to the habit of walking. In FY2024, we aim to achieve a participation rate of at least 60% from all Ono Pharmaceutical Group employees.
  • Sessions to measure body composition, blood vessel age, bone density, etc. are held each year at major business sites. Participants can check the conditions of muscles and bones that are not made clear by health checkups alone, and they can also receive individual advice on diet and exercise from medical staff members. The number of participants is increasing year by year.

Number of participants in walking campaign


Health Management Support

  • In October 2021, we opened a health management portal site that integrates the transmitting and sharing of health information and health promotion content. According to an internal questionnaire conducted in FY2023, 77% of employees are satisfied with our company's health promotion activities, and 85% of employees are aware of their own self-care. We will promote efforts to encourage employees to consider self-care as their own issues by bringing together interviews of 3 Representative Directors on health promotion and other health-related contents, and will improve the quality of activities.
  • We have linked the health management portal site with an existing site where employees can check the results of their thorough medical checkups and periodic health checkups at any time via their terminals. The contents of the portal site include information to help employees accurately understand checkup results and improve their lifestyle habits and personalized advice on lifestyle according to individual health conditions. We are working to enhance the contents of the portal site to raise employees’ awareness of their health.
  • We plan and promote effective initiatives that lead to improvements in employee presenteeism*1 and absenteeism*2 by utilizing the annual questionnaire on health management effectiveness verification.
  • Calculate the monthly loss per employee using QQmethod as the measurement method.
    If there is any health problem, we ask questions such as “What is the health problem that has the most impact on your work”, “How many days in 30 days have you had the symptom?” etc, After understanding how much work you will have compared to when you have no symptoms, multiply the percentage of performance reduction when you have symptoms by the average hourly wage to calculate the amount of loss per person per month.
    FY2022: 61,987 yen(response rate 83.2%), FY2023: 64,962 yen (response rate 78.7%)
    FY2024 target: 31,460 yen (95% compared to FY2019 [pre-COVID])
  • Calculate the average number of days used for sickness absence and sick leave system for all employees.
    FY2022: 1.62 days, FY2023: 1.33 days
    FY2024 target: ≤ 1.00 days

External Evaluation

In March 2024, we were selected for “Health & Productivity Stock Selection 2024,” which is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. This system selects companies that are implementing particularly outstanding initiatives from among listed companies that are strategically engaged in health management. In addition, we have also been accredited for six consecutive years as a “Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2024 – White 500 (Large Enterprise Category).”
We set the difference between an employee’s health age® and actual age as a KPI item as one of our activities to enhance human capital in FY2023, and are working to promote our employees’ awareness on their health. We set the goal of increasing the difference between an employee’s health age and actual age from -1.8 years in FY2022 to -3.0 years in FY2026 and will continue to engage in health management through different types of activities.

Strategic Map (Visualization of Health Management Strategies)

For effective and efficient health management, we have clarified the important issues and evaluation indicators (KPI) that we want to solve, and we have visualized the flow of initiatives toward the resolution of important issues as a story.

Strategic map of health management

Social value: Dissemination of health management to suppliers and local communities
Corporate value: An increase in the market capitalization of stocks
Health resource: Human and environmental health resources