We are committed to aiding in the resolution of environmental issues such as biodiversity and climate change recognizing that our business activities depend on and affect nature. To realize a sustainable and prosperous society, it is important to promote activities that consider biodiversity at all stages of research, development, procurement, production, distribution, sales, use, and disposal of new medicines. We agree with the declaration and policy described in the document, "Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy".
In addition, each of our business sites are taking part in various activities to contribute to local communities such as neighborhood cleanups and conservation of the natural environment.
At Fujiyama Plant, our employees periodically clean the area surrounding the plant premises and have been providing trash bags for “Operation Trash Clean-sweep,” a cleanup activity of the municipal neighborhood associations of Fujinomiya City and the “Fujinomiya City Cleaning Campaign” as activities that are friendly for the community environment. In order to biodiversity conservation, we are also maintaining green space (36 thousand m2) on the site of Fujiyama Plant and conduct surveys of wild birds that fly there four times a year.
Providing trash bags
Green space at Fujiyama Plant
At Yamaguchi Plant, employees have voluntarily participated in neighborhood cleanup activities in Yamaguchi City such as “Beauty Minogahama” at Minogahama Beach and “Fushinogawa Water System Clean Campaign” on the Fushino River to contribute to the beautification of the community environment.
Cleanup activity at Minogahama Beach (May)
At the headquarters and Joto Pharmaceutical Product Development Center, employees participate in the annual "Osaka Marathon 'CleanUP' Campaign,” which is a municipal cleanup campaign hosted by the Osaka Municipal Government every year. More than 100 employees participated in the cleanup activities around the worksite in February 2024, and collected more than 20 kilograms of waste, including ordinary trash, plastics, cans, and PET bottles, and disposed of them separately.
The Tsukuba Research Institute is a member of the TSUKUBA HOKUBU Industrial Park Liaison Council and participates in bi-annual cleanup activities for member companies to maintain the beauty of the HOKUBU Industrial Park. We are also conserving green space (55 thousand m2) on the site of Tsukuba Research Institute.
The Minase Research Institute is a member of the “Rikyu no Mizu” Conservation Society of the Minase Shrine, which has been selected as one of the 100 best fresh-water springs in Japan. To ensure this famous water is passed down to future generations, our employees participate in a bi-annual cleanup event and clean the area around the water-drawing and hand-washing facilities.