Cooperation with Governments

Activities with the Local Government

On November 12, 2021, we concluded an agreement with Osaka Prefecture on cooperation and collaboration for the promotion of health promotion among residents in Osaka prefecture.
The public and private sector work together to solve social issues through cooperation between government initiatives and CSV (Creating Shared Value) activities by private company. We have been promoting "Dialogues with local communities" as one of important themes of our business activities. As a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Osaka prefecture, we will continue to cooperate in promoting the health of the residents in Osaka prefecture by working together with Osaka Prefecture to solve social issues related to health, taking advantage of the mutual strengths of the government and company.

photoA picture of the signing ceremony of partnership agreement at the Osaka Prefectural Head Office

Transmitting messages for fitness in a radio program sponsored by ONO Pharmaceutical

We transmit messages on daily fitness in our sponsored radio program to maintain and improve the health of people in Osaka Prefecture. We encourage them to have cancer screening tests, eat vegetables, and undergo hepatitis screening, as well as support measures by Osaka Prefecture against passive smoking.


Efforts for Cancer Education in High School

"Cancer Education" in high schools officially started in April 2022. In order to support the activities to promote "Cancer Education" that are needed in schools, we engage in activities in cooperation with the Osaka Cancer Society and Osaka Prefectural government.

For more details, please see here (only available in Japanese).
