Environmental Accounting


We conduct environmental efficiency assessments to quantitatively measure the efficiency of environmental conservation activities at our production and research sites. We also disclose information on environmental accounting in reference to the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005, issued by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.

Environmental Costs and Effects

Environmental Costs (Including Depreciation Costs)

(Thousands of Yen)
Category Environmental costs Amount of investment in environmental equipment
FY2022 FY2023 FY2022 FY2023
1: Pollution prevention cost (air, water, soil, groundwater, hazardous chemicals, noise, vibration, and odor) 115,201 88,302 12,368 38,724
2: Global environment conservation cost (cost for preventing global warming, cost for environmental conservation activities) 549,242 537,150 294,724 585,324
3: Resource circulation cost (waste reduction, proper treatment of waste, efficient use of resources) 132,604 116,219 0 0
4: Administration cost (time and cost spent for committee and ISO activities, and environmental management) 17,962 13,815
5: Research and development cost 0 0
6: Social activity cost (cost for environmental improvement activities, including beautification and tree-planting, with the exception of those conducted at or in the vicinity of the business sites) 9,931 9,014 0 0
Total 824,941 764,500 307,092 624,048

Environmental conservation effects

Environmental performance indicators Environmental impact Change from the previous year
FY2022 FY2023
Effects corresponding to key business area costs SOx emissions (tons) 0.0 0.0 0.0
NOx emissions (tons) 4.9 5.0 0.1
Water use (1,000 m3) 196.4 189.9 -6.5
BOD load (tons) 1.2 0.8 -0.4
CO2 emissions (1,000 tons-CO2) 18.4 16.0 -2.4
Energy use (MWh) 86,067.6 82,285.0 -3,782.6
Total waste discharge (tons) 492.8 569.7 76.9
Final landfill disposal (tons) 4.4 3.2 -1.2

Economic Effects Associated with Environmental Conservation Activities

(Thousands of Yen)
Details Economic effects
FY2022 FY2023
1: Reduction in costs through energy-saving activities 10,203 3,299
2: Reduction in waste costs through recycling activities 100 640
3: Profit from sale of recycled materials 6,475 8,701
Annual total 16,778 12,640