Independent Practitioner's Assurance
Sustainability information
We have received independent assurance so as to bolster the reliability of the information disclosed and indicated with the icon in our SUSTAINABILITY DATA 2024.
- GHG emissions
- Energy consumption
- GHG emissions in the value chain (Scope 3)
(For Cat1 and Cat9, the previous year's data has been verified in the assurance process.) - Water intake volume
- Wastewater volume (including drainage destination)
- Industrial waste volume and special management industrial waste volume (hazardous waste volume)
- Final landfill disposal volume and rate of industrial waste
- Number of lost-time injuries
- Lost-time injury frequency rate
- Number of fatalities due to occupational accidents
The Independent Assurance Report is reprinted on page 5.
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- * The status of independent practitioner's assurance received prior to FY2021 is available in CSR Report.