Governance :

Risk Management


We are aware that major risks may occur, which is why we have established a system that not only prevents the occurrence of such risks, but also takes appropriate measures to deal with them should they occur. In an aim to realize optimal company-wide risk management, we have established the Risk Management Global Policy and introduced Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).


Risk Management

Basic Policy for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

  • In order to ensure stable business continuity and to achieve our business goals, we will develop and promote an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) System with the aim of minimizing losses for the company, our customers and other stakeholders while at the same time fulfilling our necessary accountability to society.
  • We will identify major risks that are deemed important or urgent as having a significant impact on management, and promote risk management throughout the company.
  • If a risk emerges, we will implement measures to minimize damage and swiftly recover, and resolve the problem as soon as possible.

ERM Promotion System

We have established our ERM System with the Representative Director, President & COO as Chief Risk Management Officer, and Representative Director, Executive Vice President as Head Risk Management Officer, and as we regard risk management issues as important issues for our business strategy, we are taking action to respond to those issues. In addition, a Risk Management Committee has been established under the Management meeting to promote ERM, mainly led by the Risk & Compliance Management Department, which is the department (secretariat) in charge of risk management. Moreover, the Audit & Supervisory Boards and the Internal Audit Department are responsible for auditing the status of ERM promotion. The Risk Management Committee also regularly reports the results of company-wide risk assessments and the status of responses to risks to the Board of Directors in an effort to improve the effectiveness of risk management.

ONO’s risk management system

  • 1st Line: Role in business promotion and risk management practices
  • 2nd Line: Role in monitoring and keeping 1st Line activities in check
  • 3rd Line: Role in providing independent assurance
Crisis management

In the event that a serious risk does emerge, the Representative Director, President & COO will establish an Emergency Response Committee, as necessary, to take measures to minimize damage and promote a speedy recovery.

Auditing of risk management process

Auditors conduct audits every year on our risk management process. In addition, the ERM Secretariat reports semiannually to the Audit & Supervisory Boards (including two outside auditors) on the status of ERM, including risk identification (methods and results), risk assessment (priority rating), responses to major risks, and the results of those responses, among other matters. Furthermore, with regard to internal operational audits, the ERM Secretariat shares with the Internal Audit Department the status of operational risk management confirmed by each division and the occurrence of new risks as needed, and this information is reflected in the selection of items for operational audits. The Internal Audit Department regularly reports the results of audits to the Audit & Supervisory Boards.

Risk management education

Our training on risk management is conducted through a combination of level-specific and theme-specific training to ensure that all employees understand the importance of risk management and to enhance the implementability of our risk prevention activities. In our level-specific training, we provide Risk Management Leadership Training to leader-level employees. In this training, we conduct the following series of four e-learning training sessions, which are designed to enhance the risk identification ability, sensitivity, and response capability of our leader-level employees:

Risk Management Leadership Training
Vol.1 Basic knowledge and idea of risk management
Vol.2 Why misconducts occur despite conducting risk management?
Vol.3 Why Bad News First does not function?
Vol.4 How can we increase the capability of staff members to imagine potential risks?

In our theme-specific training, we conduct e-learning twice a year, in the first and second halves of the year, on the basics of compliance, which is basic information that every employee should know as a member of society. This is done in an effort to foster a corporate culture within the company.

  • In FY2023, in order to enhance our ability to respond to major incidents, we reviewed our BCP manual, which is capable of handling all hazards, established crisis response and business continuity team operations, and strengthened risk communication.
Group-company-wide Risk Management

While respecting the autonomy of each subsidiary, we provide advice and guidance on group-wide risk management through means such as periodic reports on business activities and discussions regarding important matters. Since FY2020, we have been expanding our ERM System to our subsidiaries in Japan and overseas, and have been using the “Risk Assessment Sheet” in our operations since FY2021.

Annual Cycle of Risk Management

We strive to continuously improve ERM through the following four processes: First, we clarify the purpose of ERM for strengthening our management foundation, the target risks, and preconditions such as common risk evaluation criteria for the entire company (Step 1). Next, we conduct semiannual risk hearings with each division and department to identify potential risks and reassess existing risks, and formulate and update plans for dealing with those risks. We also conduct interviews with management to identify key risks that should be managed on a company-wide basis (Step2). Risks that are particularly important to management are selected by the Risk Management Committee as “major risks” and are focused on as countermeasures are taken (Step 3). The Risk Management Committee monitors, etc., the progress and plans for addressing major risks twice a year, and also reports to the Board of Directors (Step 4). In addition, a risk owner is selected for each major risk to be responsible for managing those major risks, and efforts are being made to enhance corporate value through the promotion of risk management.


Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

We have set up a BCP Management Headquarters under the Emergency Response Committee, chaired by the Representative Director, President & COO, and established a system designed to minimize the impact on operations even if a natural disaster or serious accident occurs, so that we can continue business activities, and even if they are suspended, recover promptly and resume them. And for management during normal times, we have a Business Continuity Management (BCM) Committee, which is chaired by the Head of Corporate Strategy & Planning (Representative Director, Executive Vice President) and is in charge of business continuity management, and a Management Office to maintain and strengthen our abilities to respond to crisis and continue our business operations, and promote relevant management activities.
We have prepared for disasters by installing systems such as emergency generators and duplicate power service in our Headquarters, the Tokyo Building, and all of our plants and research institutes, and we have also introduced seismic isolation systems to prepare for earthquakes in our Headquarters, the Tokyo Building, Minase Research Institute, and the Yamaguchi Plant. Also, in order to prepare for a large-scale disaster, we have divided our disaster action bases into the Headquarters in Osaka and the Tokyo Building so that we have two bases to function against disasters.
The BCM Committee establishes business continuity plans responding to all hazards in the medium- to long-term, conducts drills based on inter-division cooperation, and thereby increases effectiveness in handing business continuity. In addition, the BCM Committee is developing global emergency response plans and business continuity plans, including for overseas subsidiaries, in consideration of our own marketing operations in Europe and the U.S.A.


Major Risks

The Ono Pharmaceutical Group's performance may be significantly affected by various business development risks that may arise in the future. The following is a list of major potential risks to the group's business development efforts. However, this is not an exhaustive list of every risk, and risks other than those listed may also exist, which may affect investors' decisions. Furthermore, items regarding future matters in the text were decided on by the Ono Pharmaceutical Group as of the end of FY2023.

Risks are classified into three categories, namely, “Strategic Risk,” “External Risk Factor,” and “Operational Risk,” and basic policies and priorities for dealing with those risks have been determined. The basic policy for responding to each risk classification is as follows:

  • Strategic Risk: A risk associated with the business itself, such as failed business plans, which should be addressed in medium-term plans, etc.
  • External Risk Factor: A risk arising from external factors that cannot be managed and should be addressed through ERM, including BCP.
  • Operational Risk: A risk that arises through management failures that could have been avoided if imagination was used, and should be addressed through ERM.

Based on these three categories, our “major risks” are as follows:

  1. New Product Development
    • Risk Item: Failure to develop new products
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    Based on our corporate philosophy of “Dedicated to the Fight against Disease and Pain,” we aim to become a “Global Specialty Pharma” that specializes in specific fields by developing original and innovative new drugs that truly benefit patients in order to meet unmet medical needs. To this end, we are taking on the challenge of creating innovative drugs on our own and actively promoting open innovation to incorporate the world's most advanced technologies and know-how. However, it is also expected that long-term and large R&D investments may not lead to the launch of original new drugs, and that development may have to be abandoned midway. In the event of such a situation, our group's business performance and financial standing may be significantly impacted as we would not be able to generate the future earnings we had originally expected.
  2. Corporate Acquisitions
    • Risk Item: Failure to acquire benefits, etc., of acquisition
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    In line with our medium- to long-term growth strategy of strengthening pipelines and accelerating global development, and realizing self-promoted sales in the West, the Ono Pharmaceutical Group is working to create new drugs that will bring innovation to the medical field. In making corporate acquisitions, changes, etc., in the target company's management or business environment, as well as changes, etc., in the external environment, such as policy changes in various countries, may affect our business performance and prevent us from realizing the anticipated benefits of those acquisitions.
  3. Responding to Changes in the Market Environment
    • Risk Item: Increased competition from competing products and generics
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group is working to maximize product value through proactive R&D activities and the swift reinforcement of company-wide cross-divisional collaboration. Therefore, we always look ahead to the market environment from the early stages of development, review our strategy to ensure a competitive advantage, and respond to changes accordingly. At the same time, we also constantly monitor market trends in aspects that affect our products’ life cycles and prepare resources to maximize the potential of our products. However, the group's business results and financial standing could be significantly affected by the sales status of competing and generic products.
  4. Compliance
    • Risk Item: Anti-bribery laws and regulations violations, Code of Practice violations, antitrust laws violations, and Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act violations
    • Risk Classification: Operational risk
    In conducting our business activities, our group is subject to various laws and regulations, including those related to product quality, safety, the environment, and chemical substances, as well as those related to transactions, labor, accounting standards, and tax laws. We will also need to respond to stronger national policies, laws and regulations for mitigating climate change. The group has established a compliance system based on the Ono Group Code of Conduct, and in addition to enacting policies such as the Compliance Global Policy, we have established a Group Compliance Committee and a compliance violation reporting and employment consultation service both within and outside the company to ensure compliance with laws and regulations relating to our business activities. In the event of a serious breach of the law by the group or its contractors, the group's reputation, business performance and financial standing may be affected. The group's business results and financial standing may also be significantly affected if changes to laws and regulations restrict its business activities and if investments are required to deal with such changes.
  5. Product Quality Control
    • Risk Items: Product defects and recalls
    • Risk Classification: Operational risk
    In order to provide a stable supply of quality medicines, not only from the perspective of legal requirements relating to the quality of medicines, but also from the perspective of patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, our group has a policy of ‘contributing to society through the stable supply of medicines with a high level of quality assurance’, and based on this policy and our company’s own quality manuals, we have established a quality system and are working to continuously improvement of the system. On the other hand, if there are concerns about the quality, effectiveness or safety of our products, those concerns are promptly assessed, and if a decision is made to recall the concerned products, that information is promptly provided to healthcare professionals who then recall the products in question. However, in the event of unexpectedly serious quality-related issues or concerns over product safety and security due to new scientific findings, this could lead to a loss of trust not only in the product brand in question, but also in the group as a whole, and the group's business performance and financial standing could be significantly affected.
  6. Information Security
    • Risk Items: Cyber attacks, unauthorized access, and leakage of personal information from external parties
    • Risk Classification: Operational risk
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group promotes the use of digital and IT not only to improve the efficiency and sophistication of its operations, but also to enable a more flexible corporate transformation that is in line with the business environment. In addition, highly confidential and personal information is handled by these systems. Things get more complex as our business becomes increasingly global and as the scope of how data is utilized expands, and so, there is a risk of possible technical failures, suspension of business operations due to unauthorised access or attacks from third parties or from within the company, and leakage of critical information. To reduce these risks, in addition to the development of security-related policies and guidelines and the use of appropriate technological countermeasures and services in line with changes in the social environment, we have established an incident response system and provide training for all employees in Japan and overseas, and continually reinforce measures based on security assessments conducted by third parties. However, if information is tampered, misused or leaked, etc., due to a system failure or accident caused by a computer virus infection, cyber-attack or other cause, the group's business results and financial standing may be affected due to reasons such as a significant loss of public trust.
  7. Recruitment, Training, and Retention of Human Resources
    • Risk Item: Delays in the recruitment, training, and retention of human resources
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group strives to recruit, train and retain a diverse and talented workforce for sustainable growth. In order to ensure that each and every member of our diverse pool of talent can work energetically and demonstrate their full potential, we are developing systems and work environments that enable our employees to work in diverse ways. We are also working to recruit and secure human assets through initiatives aimed at making our company a rewarding and attractive place to work, and are enhancing our training systems and creating opportunities for employees to take on the challenge of furthering their individual growth and developing their skills. Furthermore, in order to respond swiftly and flexibly to changes in the environment and to increase our corporate value, we place importance on increasing the diversity of our human resources while at the same time fostering a climate of mutual respect. From the perspective of diversification in terms of age, gender, and corporate history, the hiring of young, female and mid-career employees is being promoted at the management level, which spearheads business growth. In addition to this, by utilizing our company’s engagement surveys, we are promoting the development of a climate where our diverse workforce can stay highly motivated as they engage in their respective tasks. However, if we are unable to recruit, train and secure diverse and talented personnel over the medium to long term, our business activities may stagnate, etc., and the group's business results and financial standing may be significantly affected.
  8. Natural Disasters and Accidents Associated with Major Earthquakes and Climate Change
    • Risk Item: Natural disasters and accidents
    • Risk Classification: External risk factor
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group has formulated disaster preparedness and business continuity plans (BCPs) for its production plants and major business sites against natural disasters such as earthquakes and climate change-related flooding (water risks). In addition, the climate change risks identified based on TCFD recommendations and the measures taken to address them are managed and disclosed in coordination with ERM. Our group has two production sites, namely, the Fujiyama Plant (in Shizuoka Prefecture) and the Yamaguchi Plant (in Yamaguchi Prefecture), and by securing distribution hubs in several locations in Japan, we reduce risks that pose a threat to the stable supply of our products. As part of our disaster prevention measures, the head office, the Tokyo building, each plant and each research center, which are all important sites, are equipped with emergency power supply equipment, dual-circuit power receivers and other equipment to deal with power outages. In addition, seismic isolators have been installed at the head office, Tokyo Building, Minase Research Institute and Yamaguchi Plant to reduce the risks associated with earthquakes. In preparation for large-scale disasters, we are working to develop internal systems, such as building a system that can respond to such disasters through our two offices in Osaka and Tokyo, and introducing a Safety Confirmation System that can quickly confirm the safety of our employees. We are also continuously working to strengthen our contingency response capabilities and raise awareness through regularly implemented disaster drills and other activities. Furthermore, in anticipation of conducting sales on our own in the West, we are currently formulating a global crisis response and business continuity plan that includes our overseas subsidiaries. However, if problems arise in securing raw materials, continuing production, distribution processes, etc., due to a major earthquake or a natural disaster associated with climate change, which hampers the supply of manufactured goods or research and development activities, etc., our group's business results and financial standing may be significantly affected due to the stagnation of our business activities, etc. In addition, the spread of large-scale infectious diseases, explosions and fires at production plants, failures in information and control systems, problems at raw material suppliers, malfunctions in social infrastructure such as electricity and water, environmental pollution caused by hazardous substances, terrorism, political turmoil, riots and other events that disrupt the supply of products, R&D activities, etc., could have a significant impact on our group’s business results and financial standing due to the stagnation of our business activities, etc.
  9. Supply Chain (Stable Supply)
    • Risk Item: Supply chain risks
    • Risk Classification: External risk factor
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group has identified the “stable supply of products and goods” as a materiality and has established a system to deal with the risk of natural disasters and accidents, as well as the risk of deviating from the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act. Details regarding measures to deal with natural disasters and accidents are described in (8) Natural Disasters and Accidents Associated with Major Earthquakes and Climate Change. In order to address the risk of deviating from the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act, we have established strict in-house quality standards and thoroughly implement production-related documentation and verification, change control, and deviation management processes. We also conduct quality audits on our own factories and contractors and regularly check that they are operating appropriately. In this manner, we ensure a consistent high standard of quality control to make sure that products that do not conform to our standards are never shipped. However, our group's business results and financial standing could be affected if our production activities are stagnated or delayed due to the suspension of the functions of certain plants or external contractors, or if the supply of raw materials from suppliers is halted due to natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, the spread of a large-scale infectious disease, accidents such as fires, system failures or terrorist attacks, or if there is a deviation from the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act.
  10. Reform of the Health Insurance System
    • Risk Item: Failure to respond to medical cost control measures
    • Risk Classification: External risk factor
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group's pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales business is subject to various regulations by the pharmaceutical administration of each country. Our group's business results and financial standing could be affected if sale prices fall due to the effects of healthcare reforms in Japan, such as reductions in official NHI drug prices and the promotion of generic drug use, or due to various medical cost control measures implemented overseas, which cannot be covered by sales volume growth or other factors, and if sales revenue declines.
  11. Dependence on Certain Products
    • Risk Item: Failure to break away from dependence on specific products
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    Revenues from Opdivo I.V. infusion and royalties related to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies account for approximately the mid-60% range of our group's total revenue (fiscal year ending March 2024). The Ono Pharmaceutical Group's business results and financial standing could be affected if sales revenues decline due to NHI drug price revisions, the emergence of other strong competitor products, the expiry of patents or other protection periods, and/or other unforeseen circumstances.
  12. New side effects
    • Risk Item: Occurrence of new side effects, etc.
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    Our group has developed risk management plans for each of its medicinal products and continuously collects and assesses safety (adverse drug reaction) information. After assessing the collected information for seriousness and the need for alerts, we implement safety measures as necessary, such as revising package inserts and providing notices on the proper use of our medical products, etc. However, medical products have the potential for new side effects, which were not experienced during the clinical trial phase, to be reported after they hit the market, or the frequency of those side effects may increase. If a new serious side effect does occur, the group's business performance and financial standing could be affected by the payment of compensation for damages or a decrease in sales revenue due to the withdrawal of approvals, etc.
  13. Overseas Business Expansion
    • Risk Item: Failure to market our own products in the West
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group is working to expand its business overseas with the aim of becoming a “Global Specialty Pharma” that is capable of providing new medicines discovered in-house to the rest of the world. We have already established local subsidiaries in South Korea and Taiwan to market our own products, and are currently working to develop and strengthen our development and self-marketing systems, etc., with a view to marketing our own products in the West. As we engage in our global business activities, we consider necessary measures such as addressing development risks by expanding our development pipeline to offer multiple product candidates for release, as well as obtaining information on legal regulations, economic conditions, political instability, region-specific natural disasters and uncertainties in the business environment in each country. However, our group's business results and financial standing may be affected if we are not able to completely avoid risks.
  14. Intellectual Property
    • Risk Item: Infringement of third party intellectual property
    • Risk Classification: Operational risk
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group takes great care to ensure that the products it manufactures and sells do not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, but in the unlikely event of an infringement, our group's business results and financial standing could be affected by a decrease in sales revenue, etc., due to the payment of compensation for damages or a suspension of manufacturing and sales. Although the group appropriately determines and manages inventors and other parties, and pays them appropriate compensation as stipulated in our internal regulations and contracts, etc., the group's business results and financial standing could be affected by the payment of compensation for damages if it is sued by an inventor or other party.
  15. Litigation
    • Risk Item: (Included in other risks)
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group may be subject to litigation in relation to pharmaceutical side effects, product liability (PL), labour issues, fair-trade-related issues and environment-related issues in connection with its business activities. In the event of litigation, the Ono Pharmaceutical Group's business results and financial standing may be affected depending on the outcome of the lawsuit.
  16. Collaboration with Other Companies
    • Risk Item: Failure of business partnership
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group collaborates with other companies in various ways, including joint research, co-development, in-licensing and out-licensing of developed products , and co-marketing. The group's business results and financial standing could be affected if the details of the partnership agreement are changed or cancelled for some reason.
  17. Fluctuations in Financial Market Conditions
    • Risk Items: Exchange rate fluctuations, changes in the price of financial assets
    • Risk Classification: External risk factor
    • Exchange rate fluctuation
      As the Ono Pharmaceutical Group internationally expands its business and receives royalties and pays expenses in foreign currencies, etc., we are exposed to the risk that fluctuations in exchange rates may reduce sales revenue, increase purchase costs and research and development costs, and incur foreign exchange losses. In order to mitigate the above risks, our group hedges a certain percentage of foreign currency transactions with forward exchange contracts in accordance with our market risk management policy. However, our group's business results and financial standing could be affected if foreign currency exchange rates fluctuate greater than expected.
    • Price Fluctuations
      The Ono Pharmaceutical Group is exposed to the risk of stock price fluctuations arising from capitalized financial instruments. The Ono Pharmaceutical Group does not hold any capitalized financial instruments for short-term trading purposes but holds capitalized financial instruments to smoothly execute its business strategy. Our group regularly assesses the fair value of such instruments and the financial status of their issuers, etc., and reviews their holdings as necessary while taking into account our relationship with relevant companies. However, our group's business results and financial standing could be affected if the fair value of capitalized financial instruments changes significantly beyond expectations.
  18. Addressing Environmental Issues
    • Risk Items: Increased costs of measures against global warming, the occurrence of environmental pollution accidents
    • Risk Classifications: External risk factor, operational risk
    To address environment-related issues, the Ono Pharmaceutical Group has established its environmental challenge vision (ECO VISION 2050) based on its environmental global policy, and the group is making company-wide efforts to realize a decarbonized society, a water recycling society, and a resource recycling society. In addition, based on the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), we have started to consider how to identify and respond to nature-related risks. In this manner, our company recognizes its corporate social responsibility towards the environment and promotes environmentally friendly activities in all areas of its business activities to preserving the rich global environment. Some chemicals substances and biological samples used in pharmaceutical research, manufacturing processes, etc., have a significant impact on human health and ecosystems and therefore need to be appropriately managed. The Ono Pharmaceutical Group not only complies with relevant laws and regulations regarding the use, manufacturing, storage, disposal and other handling-related matters for hazardous substances in the countries and regions where we operate, but we have also established voluntary standards that are stricter than laws and regulations and implement proper management through monitoring. However, if future revisions to environment-related laws and regulations impose stricter requirements, the costs for addressing those requirements may increase and our research, development, manufacturing and other business activities may become restricted. In the unlikely event of non-compliance with environment-related laws and regulations, unexpected environmental pollution caused by hazardous substances, and if the associated harm becomes apparent, these developments could undermine the public’s trust in our company, potentially excluding us from insurance coverage, or causing us to be liable for costs and legal liabilities in excess of the compensation amount. In such cases, the group's business results and financial standing may be affected.
  19. Large-scale Spread of Infectious Diseases
    • Risk Item: Outbreak of a new pandemic
    • Risk Classification: External risk factor
    As a company whose business activities directly affect people’s lives, the Ono Pharmaceutical Group also collaborates with its affiliates and business partners to promote and maintain the stable supply of its pharmaceutical products, and there are no immediate problems with the production of our pharmaceutical products and the system for supplying those products to medical institutions. However, our group's business results and financial standing could be affected by a stagnation, etc., in our business activities if there is a large-scale spread of an infectious disease in the future that disrupts the supply of products and goods, research and development activities, and other operations.
  20. Impairment of Sales Rights, In-process R&D Expenses, and Goodwill
    • Risk Item: Occurrence of huge impairment losses
    • Risk Classification: Strategic risk
    The Ono Pharmaceutical Group monitors its performance by comparing budgets with actual results, as well as other means, and has established a system to measure impairment losses in a timely manner if there are signs of a deterioration in performance. In the future, if deviations from the performance plan occur and the expected future cash flow cannot be obtained due to the emergence of various risks, etc., described in “Business and other risks,” impairment losses on sales rights, in-process R&D expenses, and goodwill could be incurred. In such cases, the group's business results and financial standing may be affected.

Information Security Management

Basic Approach

Information assets are very important management resources.
We established a global policy on information security to protect information resources strictly, including data related to research and development and the personal information of internal and external stakeholders, and to manage the information appropriately. In consideration of the global increase in cyberattacks and security threats, we are also addressing the further strengthening of cybersecurity based on the global standard framework.

Information Security Management System

We have established Information Security Global Policy and procedures, as well as an information-security-related management system to ensure the effectiveness of these policies and procedures.
Overall responsibility for information security rests with Risk Management officer of Digital Technology (Executive Director of Digital Technology). The Risk Management officer of Digital Technology is responsible not only for formulating the ONO Group’s information security management strategy, but also for creating, revising, implementing and managing related policies, etc., and for ensuring that the ONO Group complies with them, while taking into account changes in the environment surrounding Ono Pharmaceutical and the latest trends in relevant laws and regulations, etc. Under the Risk Management officer of Digital Technology, a Head of Information System Department of the Company and the Information Security Department Manager are appointed to perform information security management duties at each division and Group company*.

Initiatives related to information security and cybersecurity are reported and shared at the Board of Directors following the Digital Technology Division meeting and the Risk Management Committee.

  • A company of which 100% of voting rights are owned by ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD.

Organizational Structure for Information Security Management

Click here for our Privacy Policy.

Cyber Security Measures

Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex, so in response to these changes in the external environment, we continuously review and improve measures to address this issue. Some specific examples of such measures include implementing multi-layered defenses, strengthening our global security infrastructure, thoroughly enforcing policies, and conducting periodic vulnerability assessments.

Responding to Security Incidents

We have organized a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) for the purpose of quickly resolving security incidents and minimizing damage. The CSIRT strives to maintain and improve the security level of the entire group by collecting vulnerability and threat information and issuing alerts. In addition to conducting regular incident response training, the CSIRT also actively collects and shares information by participating in security organizations and communities.

Security Education & Awareness

In order to prevent security incidents from occurring, it is important to not only implement technical countermeasures but to also raise the security awareness of each and every employee. That is why we regularly educate our employees on information security and conduct e-mail training on a global basis. We have also established a website to disseminate information related to information security, and are making efforts to explain and inform our employees about various guidelines and rules on information security.