What's New

Commitment to Conservation of the Global Environment

Global Environment Policy

Under the corporate philosophy of “Dedicated to the Fight Against Disease...

ESG Data
ESG Data

Environmental Data

Overall Picture of Environmental Impact (ONO's Involvement in Enviro...

Social Contribution Activities
Efforts for Supporting Health of Patients and Their Families

Supporting Children under Long-term care through Sports

There are considered to be approximately 250,000 children under l...

Realization of a Decarbonized Society


Analysis and Evaluation of Risks and Opportunities related to Climate Ch...

Governance :
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Report

Please refer to the “Corporate Governance Report” below for details on ou...

Social Contribution Activities
Efforts for Supporting Health of Patients and Their Families


Dissemination of Medical Information "The Moment of Change (Cancer Sur...

ESG Data
ESG Data

Governance Data

Corporate Governance ...

Commitment to Conservation of the Global Environment


Global Environment Policy Medium- to Long-term Environmental Vision ...

Society :
Sustainable Procurement

Declaration on Building Partnerships

We agree with the purport of the "Council on Promoting Partnership Buildi...

Commitment to Conservation of the Global Environment

Environment-related Employee Education & Awareness-raising Activities

We engage in environment-related education and awareness-raising activ...

Governance :
Risk Management

Major Risks

The Ono Pharmaceutical Group's performance may be significantly affected ...

Information Disclosure Based on the TCFD Recommendation

Governance, Strategy, Risk and Opportunity Management, Indicators and Targets

Governance We recognize the preservation of the global environment as ...

Realization of a Decarbonized Society


Creating a road map for reduction of GHG emissionsActions against TCFD ri...

Society :
Sustainable Procurement

Joining the PSCI (Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative)

In September 2023, ONO joined PSCI (Pharmaceutical Supply Chain In...

Social Contribution Activities
Efforts for Supporting Health of Patients and Their Families

"The Moment of Change (Cancer Survivors' Stories) "

We have been producing a radio program called "The Moment of Change" sinc...

Social Contribution Activities
Efforts Toward an Education for the Children’s Health

Efforts for Cancer Education in High School

Following the revision of the Curriculum Guidelines by the Ministry of Ed...

Stakeholder Engagement
Cooperation with Governments

Activities with the Local Government

On November 12, 2021, we concluded an agreement with Osaka Prefect...

Social Contribution Activities
Social Contribution Activities


Approach to Social Contribution Activities ONO’s Social Contribution A...

Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement


Basic Idea Engagement with Stakeholders

Realization of a Decarbonized Society

Analysis and Evaluation of Risks and Opportunities related to Climate Change

Risks and opportunities related to climate change are investigated under ...

Governance :
Risk Management

Risk Management

Basic Policy for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) In order to ensu...

Social Contribution Activities
Efforts for Supporting Health of Patients and Their Families

Snow Gift for Children with Serious Illness

Since FY2014, ONO has been a constant supporting member of a public in...



医療機関等との関係の透明性に関する指針 患者団体との関係の透明性に関する取り組み

Stakeholder Engagement
Communication with Investors


Information Disclosure IR Activities ESG Activities