What's New

ONO's Approach to Sustainability
ONO's Approach to Sustainability

Participation in the United Nations Global Compact

In November 2017, we participated in the United Nations Global Compact (U...


Social Contribution Activities
Efforts for the Advancement of Medicine and Pharmacy

Research Grants Through Foundations and Donated Courses

We have been donating and providing research grants to public interest in...

Society :
Sustainable Procurement


Our Stance on Supply Chain Management Joining the PSCI (Pharmaceutical...

Society :
Fostering an Organizational Climate and Culture that realizes high employee engagement


DE&I Initiatives (Promotion of diverse human resources) Other Init...

Society :
Expansion of Human Capital (Health Management)


Efforts made to promote employees’ health Organizational structure to ...

Commitment to Conservation of the Global Environment

Medium- to Long-term Environmental Vision

ONO has established a medium- to long-term environmental challenge vision...

Social Contribution Activities
Social Contribution Activities

  Social Contribution Activities ...

Society :
Efforts Made for Improving Access to Healthcare


Basic Policy Examples of Innovative pharmaceutical products R & D ...

Realization of a Decarbonized Society

External evaluation and awards regarding our measures for climate change

In the evaluation on climate change conducted by the CDP, a global e...

Realization of a Water Recycling Society


Water scarcity risk Control the w...

Information Disclosure Based on the TCFD Recommendation

Governance, Strategy, Risk and Opportunity Management, Indicators and Targets

Governance We recognize the preservation of the global environment as ...

Social Contribution Activities
Efforts for Supporting Health of Patients and Their Families

Supporting Children with Cancer & Their Families (South Korea)

In 2023, ONO PHARMA KOREA became a vigorous supporter of the childhood...

Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report 2023 Sustainability Report 2023 Susta...

Governance :

  Corporate Governance Corpo...

Governance :
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Report

Please refer to the “Corporate Governance Report” below for details on ou...

ONO's Approach to Sustainability
ONO's Approach to Sustainability

Sustainability Promotion Structure

At Ono Pharmaceutical, the Board of Directors oversees important manageme...

ESG Data
ESG Data

Governance Data

Corporate Governance ...

Governance :
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Code

We implement all the principles of the Corporate Governance Code stipulat...

Society :
Sustainable Procurement

Anti-bribery due diligence for third parties

When newly appointing third parties, such as contractors or agents, we co...

Governance :

Immediate response to serious compliance violations in FY2020

Since the misconduct that occurred in FY2020 (hereinafter referred to as ...

ESG Data
ESG Data

Environmental Data

Sites where data were collected: [Non-consolidated] Fujiyama Plan...

Governance :
Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance Structure Corporate Governance Code Corporate...

Social Contribution Activities
Social Contribution Activities

List of Activities

  Related SDGs Activities ...